LEFT: Here a giant pliosaur (Brachauchenius lucasi) is about to make lunch of a small turtle similar to Desmatochelys. Brachauchenius was one of the last of the pliosaurs
Forelimb and scattered ribs of the Pliosaur. Peloneustes sp. A giant marine reptile of the mid-Jurassic. This is part of an almost complete skeleton that was discovered
Plesiosaur "near-reptile" EARLY JURASSIC TO CRETACEOUS PERIOD. 220 million - 65 million years ago. P lesiosaurs were magnificent ocean-dwelling reptiles that "flew
Credit: Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway Artwork by Tor Sponga, BT. Please contact us if you have questions about the rights on this image.
pliosaur. Prehistoric carnivorous marine reptile, descended from the plesiosaurs, but with a shorter neck, and longer head and jaws. It was approximately 5 m/15 ft long.
Britannica online encyclopedia article on pliosaur (dinosaur group), Early in their evolutionary history, the plesiosaurs split into two main lineages: the pliosaurs, in which the
A team of paleontologists led by Joern Hurum of the University of Oslos Natural History Museum last year excavated the skeleton of an enormous 150-million-year-old pliosaur; after
Pliosaurs were short-necked marine reptiles that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods. The crocodile-shaped creatures were carni
ScienceDaily (Feb. 29, 2008) â" Natural History Museum in Oslo, Norway has announced the discovery of one of the largest dinosaur-era marine reptiles ever found â" an enormous
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