Salmon sharks
salmon sharks
Nothing is more emblematic of the ocean's hidden mysteries than a shark's dorsal fin on the horizon. Unfortunately, following sharks beneath the sea surface has been technically
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ORION CHARTERS - SHARK FISHING. 7/21/2001 Pulling an 8'/400#+ Salmon Shark into the boat . Salmon Shark Fishing In Prince William Sound The experience of fishing for Salmon Sharks
Information about the Salmon shark (Lamna ditropis) on ARKive
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Salmon sharks (Lamna ditropis) are large, powerful, warm-bodied (endothermic), and streamlined predators adapted for high-speed swimming (see figure to the right).
Put a description of the page here Field Marks: Body stocky, spindle-shaped; snout conical and short (distance from tip of snout to eye is about 40% distance from eye to first
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Salmon sharks don't have as fierce a reputation as their cousins, the great whites and mako sharks, because there aren't any confirmed attacks on humans.
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Alaska Wildlife News is an online magazine published by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Color: Dark gray top, blotchy patches on sides, white belly. Salmon shark are giant, powerful, streamlined predators adapted for high speed swimming.
Salmon sharks (Lamna ditropis) are large, powerful, warm-bodied (endothermic), and streamlined predators adapted for high-speed swimming. Reports from the U.S. Navy have clocked
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